“When it comes to Color, and the intellectual pursuit of ‘Communicating Through Color,’ Wassily Kandinsky’s long-awaited heir-to-be is J. Steven Manolis, whose works signal an ebullient 21st-century renaissance of the long-absent glories of Abstract Expressionism.”
Donald Kuspit, Leading Art Critic
“There is a balance of energy and intellect in J. Steven Manolis’ work that engages us on a daily basis. Rare is the painting that pulls in your attention every time you pass it, and yet somehow, he has found that singular ground. His work is at once gestural and teeming with energy; technical (I truly don’t understand how he achieves his layers); and planted firmly in the lineage of great color field paintings. However, the play of emotion, motion, geometry and color that he achieves through the transparency of watercolor sets his work apart.
Our piece from his California Dreaming series is exhibited so that guest to our home first engage from ta hundred feet away, through the window of our living room as they approach our house. The scale and vivacity encountered at a distance as well, evinced by the fact that anyone who sees his painting in our house always ends up a hand’s length away, experiencing his mastery on the micro level as well.”
Sally Pressman and David Rogers. Los Angeles, CA
“The richness of J. Steven Manolis’ colors and abstract expressionist gestures have added vitality and life to my office and home, much like his own personality.”
John Fulvio
“When you first encounter a monumental Manolis work, you realize that you are observing something particularly rare in magnitude and dimension that takes a master artist to paint successfully as an engaging picture and also to visually make sense from a distance.”
Bruce Helander, Leading Art Critic
“J. Steven Manolis’ unbridled passion speaks through his art. Over the past few years, I’ve been amazed at the quality, the energy and the optimism exuded by his art. I smile each time I see a new work!”
Carlos Wolf, MD. Miami, Florida and St. Helena, California
“J. Steven Manolis’ success is no surprise to me. He had that same relentless ambition to excel in his youth, when we played in our band, The Torres, as he exhibits today in business and his art. Watching him as a teenager play a gig, drive through the night to work a day job, then drive to another gig, it was clear he was determined to succeed at both. Steven continues to apply that same passion today to his art, clearly illustrated by the breadth, diversity and quality of his works.”
Rick Gillis
“I love color, so immediately I was attracted to Steven’s explosion of colors when I attended his first solo show in the Hamptons. Gary and I are the proud owners of one of his best pieces, which has become the main attraction in our apartment. We love living with his art, and wish him much success!”
Ines Flax
Marianne and Peter Kircher